Guttenberg, Oh Guttenberg!

Guttenberg, Oh Guttenberg!

There are 3 Guttenbergs in my life. Some nostalgic like Guttenberg, NJ. It was the home of my Grandma Maggie. A place that was 5 x 9  blocks in total. A tiny place with a bar on every corner. The Guttenbergians were happy every hour. 

Guttenberg, NJ

Second is the Guttenberg Printing Press. World-changing! The blocks of type and images it used spread literature to the masses. 

Then third is the Guttenberg WordPress Editor. This Guttenberg is exasperating! The blocks in this editor make my hours unhappy and make my Web World change for the badder. I found it clunky and devoid of the details I need to create content. Sometimes simple is simply stupid.

Maybe it will be improved in time. However, right now I have no time to wait for that. If you are frustrated and need to turn back to the classic editor go to Add Plugin and search for Classic Editor by WordPress Contributors. Once installed WordPress will return to the Classic Editor we know and love! No more blocks to build frustration. Your Web World will be at peace again!

Paulette Rich Long Artist/Designer


Paulette Rich Long gets a Facelift…

Paulette Rich Long gets a Facelift…My website that is!

Sometimes things look old and need refreshing. In the World of the Web 7 years is like 7 dog years. I built my site in 2012. It was time for a facelift!

There’s a New Logo, New Revolution Sliders and there will be NEW content coming soon!

That will include a new section for Website Design. There will also be new additions to Boys, Girls, Layette, and Surface Prints soon. Stay tuned!

Also, It’s Time for Spring 2020 designing to begin! New clients in the apparel sector are welcome! Like most people, I am ready for Spring! I will bring fresh and fun ideas to your apparel lines!

Does your website need a facelift? Need a New look? Maybe you need an update of your logo, sliders. Would you like to explore new content or a new approach to conveying your company’s message? Time for a website update?  Contact me! We can discuss your needs and wants for your brand and website. 

That old dog…can learn new tricks!

Paulette Rich Long Artist Designer
My New Logo!

It Starts with a Pencil

I was chatting with a client/designer the other day. I commented that I almost always start a design the old fashioned way using a pencil on paper. She was surprised! In fact she said that was something she might try. I didn’t think it was something so unusual. I guess for some designers it is.

I started as an illustrator/designer before Bill Gates or Steve Jobs got their machines out to the public. We only had our Ticonderoga pencils (with extra erasers) and paper to start with. There were stat machines and type galleys, rubber cement, paste ups and mechanicals, and marker comps. The “technology” of the good old days was not so good. I’m glad those days are gone. I love my computer (most of the time). I also still love my Ticonderoga pencil with extra erasers!

This is going to sound new age weird but when I pick up that pencil it frees my mind! I scribble and erase and do shorthand versions of ideas in no time. It’s like my ideas flow right from my brain through the pencil. Here’s what I think-it’s a right brain thing. Computers are left brain things …sometimes. I get caught up in the technique if I don’t have that free idea to start with. A pencil gives my work soul; the computer gives it substance…a perfect combination.

If you’re a designer that works totally in the digital world I suggest an experiment. Find a pencil and paper and give it a whirl. If you’re intimidated because you’re not an illustrator don’t worry. Think of it as shorthand. This is for your eyes only. Then take that scribble and translate it digitally. It may surprise you.


6 More Weeks of Winter….fugetaboutit!

Happy Ground Hog's Day!HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY!

So Phil saw his shadow. It’s time to rub that out! We haven’t had winter really here in the Northeast yet and we’re not about to start now!

Happy Groundhog Day to all, especially you Paul wherever you are! :)

Best, PaulettePaulette Rich Long Artist/Designer