Guttenberg, Oh Guttenberg!

There are 3 Guttenbergs in my life. Some nostalgic like Guttenberg, NJ. It was the home of my Grandma Maggie. A place that was 5 x 9  blocks in total. A tiny place with a bar on every corner. The Guttenbergians were happy every hour. 

Guttenberg, NJ

Second is the Guttenberg Printing Press. World-changing! The blocks of type and images it used spread literature to the masses. 

Then third is the Guttenberg WordPress Editor. This Guttenberg is exasperating! The blocks in this editor make my hours unhappy and make my Web World change for the badder. I found it clunky and devoid of the details I need to create content. Sometimes simple is simply stupid.

Maybe it will be improved in time. However, right now I have no time to wait for that. If you are frustrated and need to turn back to the classic editor go to Add Plugin and search for Classic Editor by WordPress Contributors. Once installed WordPress will return to the Classic Editor we know and love! No more blocks to build frustration. Your Web World will be at peace again!

Paulette Rich Long Artist/Designer