PRLART services WEBSITE DESIGN SERVICES Website Creation in Wordpress Logo Design and Branding Graphics and illustration Website Maintenance Training in Wordpress Website Makeovers Website Creation WEBSITE CREATION IN We do it right from the start! Assistance with hosting and domain. WordPress and theme installation. Logo Design and Branding Custom Content creation Creation of Pages, Posts, Sliders, etc. Website Design for your unique business. Logo Design LOGO DESIGN Logos that represent your company's purpose and vision. Content Creation CONTENT CREATION GRAPHICS Graphics for your website POST CREATION Illustration and Copy SLIDERS CREATION All Content is custom created in Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. All Content is created by a professional illustrator and graphic designer with over 25 years of experience. Content types include Graphics, Illustrations, Copy, and Sliders. We customize your website to you and your clients needs! Training and Maitenance TRAINING and MAINTENANCE Training so you can manage your content Training so you can manage your content Gallery Page Maintenance of your website FileZilla Includes updates, content additions and revisions, troubleshooting. Paulette Rich Long Webdesign WEBSITE DESIGN SERVICES Click to see designed and managed by Paulette Rich Long since 2013. Contact Us We Specialize in Website Design for Small Businesses We listen to you and respond to your company's needs. Contact us to discuss your business website. Contact Us Website Design for your unique business.